"2019 world 5g convention" to be held in beijing

at present, a new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation represented by a new generation of information technologies such as 5g are rapidly taking shape and ......

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ngmn industry conference and exhibition 2015

a key event featuring an unrivalled line-up of top-management speakers is waiting for you – please join us at the 5th ngmn industry conference and exhibition! on 24-25 march 2015......

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sino-japan workshop on the next generation mobile communication technologies

sino-japan workshop on the next generation mobile communication technologies and applications 2014 was held during june 19th and 21st in okinawa of japan, co-hosted by future for......

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future experts delegation paid a visit to samsung in korea

future experts delegation paid a visit to samsung in korea from june 16th to 17th of 2014, and had profound exchange on development and future vision of 5g mobile communication t......

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ieee wcnc 2014 in istanbul

dr. werner mohr, head of research alliances, nokia solutions and networks, munich, germany
prof. rahim tafazolli, university of surrey, uk on behal......

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future 5g ict summit held in beijing

in order to further promote the international development of 5g technologies, and cooperate with the national 863 plan and imt-2020(5g) promotion team on their research on advanc......

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workshop on the next generation mobile communication technologies and applications 2013

workshop on the next generation mobile communication technologies and applications 2013, hosted by future forum, supported by japan-china information and communications technolog......

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kick-off meeting of sino-japan joint fund project on wireless and mobile communication held in tokyo

kick-off meeting of sino-japan joint fund project on wireless and mobile communication, co-hosted by future forum, yrp r&d promotion committee, and ieice rcs, was held on may......

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mr. motai akio visited future forum secretariat

on the morning of march 6th of 2012, mr. motai akio, president yrp r&d promotion committee of japan, and four colleagues visited future forum secretariat.

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the 6th sino-japan workshop on the next generation mobile communication technology and application held in hokkaido


the 6th sino-japan workshop on the next generation mobile communication technology and application opened on september 17th of 2011 in hilton niseko v......

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