future 5g ict summit held in beijing
international | 2013/11/20in order to further promote the international development of 5g technologies, and cooperate with the national 863 plan and imt-2020(5g) promotion team on their research on advanced 5g technologies and standardization, future forum organized future 5g ict summit on october 29th and 30th of 2013 in beijing.
as a significant event in the field of information communication, this summit is regarded as the beginning of the cooperation between china and the foreign countries in 5g field. greatly supported by most, miit and ndrc, this summit won wide and positive responses from many international and regional 5g organizations, and attended by many internationally reputed communication enterprises and research institutes, over 250 participants respective from 5g expert group of 863 plan, metis project, arib, korean 5g forum, wit club, and other relative 5g organizations, enterprises and research institutes. mr. cao jianlin, vice minister of most, mr. wen ku, director of department of science and technology of miit, and mr. frank greco, first counselor, head of section, information society and media at the delegation of the european union to china and mongolia, and mr. motai akio, director of japan yrp r&d promotion committee, attended the summit and made addresses.
mr. cao jianlin expressed that china is attaching great importance to the development of 5g systems and will launch 160 million yuan on the r&d of 5g mobile communication systems in the national 863 plan. china will keep an open and international attitude on 5g r&d and welcome all the china branches of those internationally reputed communication enterprises to participate in the r&d. mr. cao stressed that enterprises will play the major and leading roles in 5g r&d, and that the cultivation of industrial infrastructure and human resource should be emphasized, and the roles of td association and future forum should be highlighted.
future 5g ict summit mainly focused on the 5g development framework, fundamental elements of 5g mobile communication systems, service applications, spectrum requirements, candidate 5g technologies, and future 5g industrial development. the internationally well-known 5g project were fully introduced on this summit, including china’s 863 plan, metis project from eu, and 2020 and beyond ad hoc from japan. the 5g vision of the major communication enterprises, and authoritative research institutes were also shared on this summit, so that all the participants got full aware of the latest development of international 5g development. this summit offered a rare opportunity for the participants from all over the world to exchange their views, during which future forum had made interviews with reputed experts, and pushed some cooperation between certain organizations to become a regular international communication mechanism.
during this summit, future forum has reached intention to cooperate with korean 5g forum and taiwan wit club, set up a regular mutual-visit mechanism, and promised to submit cooperation proposal to the relative governmental departments, assisting the official agencies in organizing visit activities, and promoting the development of bi-lateral projects. in addition, the cooperation and communication with arib from japan, and metis from eu are gradually carried out.