the first meeting of future forum iov joint working group in 2024 held
research | 2024/1/24on january 18, the future forum iov joint working group held its first meeting of 2024 (with the 24th meeting in total) in beijing. li yan (vice president of technology standards at qualcomm), the chairman of the working group, exchanged and interacted at the meeting with experts and representatives from qualcomm, nebula link, oppo, huawei, keysight technologies, eversino, waytous, baicells, xidian university, and members of the future forum.
li yan, chairman of iov joint working group, vice president of technical standards at qualcomm
based on the topic of "functional safety analysis of lte v2x warning applications", expert yin yue from qualcomm introduced the progress of the functional safety analysis project for lte v2x warning applications, which was jointly initiated by qualcomm, nebula, and cictci.
the project adopts the functional safety analysis method defined by gb/t 34590 / iso-26262 and establishes the relevant asil classifications.
the current research scope focuses on safety warning applications defined by c-sae, excluding inter-system trust, with a special emphasis on three application scenarios adopted in the c-ncap 2024 edition regulations, and provides case studies for fusa analysis; the hara analysis method of 5gaa's sticad project exhibits similarities with this project and the research conclusions by 5gaa can be referenced;
a research group has been formed, and the framework of the report is basically in place, and a summary of the known 25 scenarios has been made with a prioritization. the three scenarios used by c-ncap (ccrh, scpo, rlvw) have the highest priority
the research report is planned to be completed within 9 months and will be released in august/september 2024.
dr. wang yizhi from nebula link suggested conducting research on "v2x specific scenario practice exploration" from three aspects: selecting c-v2x scenarios that urgently need to be deployed, especially those unique to v2x or with special value; further refining the odd of v2x application scenarios; and identifying the technical obstacles to the commercial deployment of v2x.
dr. wang yizhi introduced that c-v2x functionality verification based on a high-precision map privacy plug-in was conducted in 2023 in the industry. a deviation of about 0.5 meters would be introduced into the plug-in, but the application would be not affected. at the same time, c-v2x-related use cases were introduced into c-ncap.
typical scenarios to be researched include:
forward collision warning in curved road environments: beyond line-of-sight perception, speed, road geometry, lane recognition and prediction, obstacle identification.
red light violation warning and collision prevention warning under severe weather conditions: odd;
left and right turn assist with occlusion: odd, lane/map;
control loss warning: rv actively alerts that the vehicle is out of control, defining the relevant odd and triggering conditions.
dr. wang yizhi mentioned that the v-model development process was adopted to form a v2x development guidance manual, with the provision of sil/hil test data and test cases. the research in this area will take one year, and the whitepaper will be completed by the end of 2024.
expert zhao zhenshan from oppo suggested researching direct-link ranging and positioning, which includes absolute/relative positioning, positioning methods, sl signal design/resource allocation, and power consumption optimization. the planned research period is 1 year.
autonomous driving, smart home, and intelligent manufacturing applications place high requirements on terminal positioning, requiring to provide sub-meter or even centimeter-level accuracy (requiring high relative positioning accuracy, rather than absolute position).
contents involved also include:
sidelink (sl) positioning and ranging: provide relative position information; absolute position can be derived from rsu position information.
sub-meter or even centimeter-level accuracy requires a signal bandwidth greater than 100mhz, and the use of unlicensed spectrum can be considered.
3gpp standardization status: r16 nr positioning, r17 enhancement, r18 sl positioning and ranging.
zhang kunli from keysight technologies centered around the theme of "empowering future connected vehicles", and introduced keysight technologies' perspective on the vru and ntn research in 5gaa, which includes:
v2v and vru
v2x sniffer: monitor and trace the messages between obu and rsu.
its v2x emulation & test solution: sil/hil
ntn application: out of cellular coverage, ecall
emulate the ephemeris and environment for testing
automotive cybersecurity
un r155 compliance
cross-border data transfer
test for esim based finished vehicle
digital twins to emulate the environment/climate impact
dr. li ke from eversino presented research on 5g multi-modal cooperative intelligent driving for comprehensive services in smart parks, with contents including:
autonomous driving solutions within closed areas like parks: park buses, agvs, distribution vehicles, sweepers, etc., with speeds of 10-20km/h.
ivics: green wave traffic, vehicle-side perception optimization.
vehicle-to-vehicle collaboration: patrolling
multi-modal collaboration: real-time switching between unmanned, remote, and remote-controlled driving
high-definition video backhaul: 100ms, h.265, adaptive rate control
v2x mec collaborative optimization: traffic signal perception, see-through capabilities, etc.
liu zhiwei from waytous explained the "intelligent mine ivics scenarios and technical applications" in the context of mine scenes. the main contents include:
application of autonomous driving of waytous in intelligent mine
intelligent mine transportation: mine robots industrial smart iot platform. robots under a strong control platform, strengthened decision-making capabilities at both roadside and cloud, with weak decision-making at the vehicle end.
v2x intelligent roadside collaboration system: detecting the status of material ports and dispatching vehicles, as well as managing charging.
large mining vehicles within 300, while medium and small vehicles within 1000
vehicle-to-vehicle: collision prevention warning
vehicle-to-road: traffic management
automatic map update
li yan summarized the work plan of the future forum iov joint working group in 2024, which includes conducting functional safety analysis research on lte v2x warning applications, thoroughly discussing the impact of c-v2x on functional safety, drafting a white paper (planned to be released august-september 2024); nebula link will lead the research on v2x specific scenario exploration and complete the white paper by the end of the year. oppo will lead the research on direct link ranging and positioning and complete the white paper by the end of the year.