on behalf of the organizing committee, it is my great pleasure to welcome you all to the first international conference on future communications and networks, which will be held in queenstown, new zealand, on december 17-20, 2023.
the annual international conference on future communications and networks (fcn) is an event that aims at providing a forum that brings together researchers from academia as well as practitioners from industry to meet and exchange ideas and recent research work on all aspects of future communications and networks. fcn 2023 is the first edition of this event. the conference will present you an interesting technical program consisting of one keynote speeches, and 11 technical sessions. the keynote speech will be delivered by dr. qi bi from china telecom, china, who is a world-wide well-known expert in the field of mobile communications and networks. the invited talks and technical sessions will present original research results in the area of ad hoc networks.
i would like to take this opportunity to thank all the organizing committee members for their enthusiastic and great contributions to organizing this event. without their great efforts, this conference would not have been possible. i would also like to thank all the authors who have submitted their papers and contributed their recent research results to this conference. many thanks go to all the future forum staff for their active support and assistance during the entire process of organizing the event.
the city of queenstown offers visitors a plethora of attractions and spectacular natural landscapes in the world, which truly exceeds the imagination of today’s leisure and business visitors. i hope that you will enjoy the technical program and your time at the conference. i also hope that you will take the opportunity to visit the city of queenstown, and have a wonderful and memorable stay during the conference.
we look forward to welcoming you at fcn 2023 in queenstown.
xiaohu you
fcn 2023 general chair
sunday, december 17, 2023
08:00am - 09:30am registration
09:30am - 10:00am welcome and opening addresses
10:00am - 11:00am keynote speech 1
11:00am - 11:15am coffee break
11:15am - 12:15pm plenary exchange
12:15pm - 14:00pm lunch break
14:00pm - 15:30pm session 1: machine learning for networking
15:30pm - 16:00pm coffee break
16:00pm - 17:30pm session 2: intelligent applications for iot
18:30pm - 20:00pm welcome reception
monday, december 18, 2023
09:00am - 10:30am session 3: channel estimation and coding
10:30am - 10:45am coffee break
10:45am - 12:15pm session 4: multiple access and multiplexing systems
12:00pm - 14:00pm lunch break
14:00pm - 15:30pm session 5: vehicular and ad hoc networks
15:30pm - 16:00pm coffee break
16:00pm - 17:30pm session 6: uav and satellite networks
18:00pm - 19:00pm gala dinner
tuesday, december 19, 2023
09:00am - 10:30am session 7: ai for communications
10:30am - 10:45am coffee break
10:45am - 12:15pm session 8: intelligent forecasting and positioning
12:15pm - 14:00pm lunch break
14:00pm - 15:30pm session 9: 5g/6g networks and protocols
15:30pm - 16:00pm coffee break
16:00pm - 17:30pm session 10: network security
wednesday, december 20, 2023
09:00am - 10:30am session 11: emerging technologies
10:30am - 10:45am coffee break
10:45am - 12:15pm closing ceremony
8:00am-17:00pm: registration
sunday, december 17, 2023 09:30am - 10:00am
room: crowne ii
welcome and opening addresses
general chair: prof. xiaohu you, southeast university
tpc chair: dr. jun zheng, southeast university
tpc co-chair: dr. peter chong, auckland university of technology
sunday, december 17, 2023 10:00am - 11:00am
room: crowne ii
keynote speech 1: exploring 5g to reach a new height
dr. qi bi, chief expert of china telecom, bell labs fellow, ieee fellow
chair: jun zheng, southeast university
11:00am - 11:15am
coffee break
sunday, december 17, 2023 11:15am - 12:15pm
room: crowne ii
plenary exchange
12:15pm - 14:00pm
lunch: threesixty restaurant and bar
sunday, december 17, 2023 14:00pm - 15:30pm
room: crowne ii
session 1: machine learning for networking
chair: sihai zhang, university of science and technology of china
1. adaptive user selection and bandwidth allocation for fast convergence of federated learning in wireless networks
jiaqi pan, zhikun chen, ming zhao, sihai zhang, jinkang zhu, university of science and technology of china
2. deep reinforcement learning-based access point selection for cell-free massive mimo with graph convolutional networks
mingjun du, xinghua sun, wenhai lin, wen zhan, sun yat-sen university
3. performance analysis of applying federated learning in wireless network based on stochastic geometry
hongqiang zeng, qimei cui, kangjia yu, borui zhao, xiaofeng tao, beijing university of posts and telecommunications
4. data collaborative federated learning for non-i.i.d data in wireless networks
jiaqi pan, zhikun chen, sihai zhang, ming zhao, university of science and technology of china
15:30pm - 16:00pm
coffee break
sunday, december 17, 2023 16:00pm - 17:30pm
room: crowne ii
session 2: intelligent applications for iot
chair: duaa zuhair al-hamid, auckland university of technology
1. communication scene recognition method based on multi phone sensors and deep learning
yufei feng, xiaofeng zhong, shidong zhou, xinwei chen, tsinghua university
2. docf: a task-agnostic dispersed collaborative computing framework for aerospace multi-agent system
jialin hu, zhiyuan ren, xidian university
3. recognize locomotion and transportation modes from wi-fi traces via lightweight models
xinwei chen, xiaofeng zhong, shidong zhou, yufei feng, tsinghua university
4. fall prediction and prevention: smart onesie
neda khan, duaa zuhair al-hamid, peter h.j. chong, farhaan mirza, auckland university of technology
18:30pm - 21:00pm
welcome reception: tbd
monday, december 18, 2023 09:30am - 10:30am
room: crowne ii
session 3: channel estimation and coding
chair: zhen gao, lini yuan, tianjin university
1. a multiparameter time varying channel estimation method for high-speed trains communications
jie ling, southeast university; xiaoyun hou, nanjing university of posts and telecommunications; xinsheng zhao, jiamin li, dongming wang, xiaohu you, southeast university
2. spmd-based mixed-radix fft and channel estimation for energy-efficient o-ran
fangfang ye, feng yuan, shan cao, zhiyuan jiang, shanghai university; sheng zhou, tsinghua university
3. an upper bound of block error rate for finite-length coding in massive miso systems
xinwei xu, dengsheng lin, yue xiao, university of electronic science and technology of china
4. critical-set-aided multi-bit successive cancellation list decoders for polar codes
shan chen, shan cao, limin jiang, zhiyuan jiang, shanghai university
10:30am - 10:45am
coffee break
monday, december 18, 2023 10:45am - 12:15pm
room: crowne ii
session 4: multiple access and multiplexing systems
chair: qinghe du, xi’an jiaotong university
1. time-frequency orthogonal multiple access using cyclic-prefix otfs modulation
wei-chan chang, national taiwan university; wei-chang chen, national taipei university of technology; char-dir chung, national taiwan university
2. learning fair and efficient multiple access schemes with decomposed maddpg
zhaoyang liu, sun yat-sen university; haoxin lin, nanjing university; xijun wang, jie gong, xiang chen, sun yat-sen university
3. voiceprint division multiplexing for parallel speech transmission
zhen gao, lini yuan, tianjin university; xiaodong xu, beijing university of posts and telecommunications; zhu han, university of houston
4. age-aware frame length optimization for frame slotted aloha toward multichannel random access
yuquan xiao, qinghe du, shijiao zhang, xi’an jiaotong university
12:15pm - 14:00pm
lunch: threesixty restaurant and bar
monday, december 18, 2023 14:00pm - 15:30pm
room: crowne ii
session 5: vehicular and ad hoc networks
chair: kan yu, beijing university of posts and telecommunications
1. an enhanced c-v2x mode 4 resource selection scheme for cav platoons in a multilane highway scenario
bingying wang, jun zheng, southeast university; nathalie mitton, inria lille - nord europe; cheng li, memorial university of newfoundland
2. flexible time resource allocation method for joint communication and sensing enabled cavs
qixun zhang, hongzhuo sun, yifan lv, kejia ji, dingyou ma, kan yu, beijing university of posts and telecommunications
3. v2x user scheduling for collaborative perception based on reinforcement learning
yandi liu, southeast university; hao ye, university of california; le liang, shi jin, southeast university
4. optimizing backoff by dynamically estimating the number of nodes in multi-hop adhoc networks
takumi sanada, xuejun tian, takashi okuda, aichi prefectural university
15:30pm - 16:00pm
coffee break
monday, december 18, 2023 16:00pm - 17:30pm
room: crowne ii
session 6: uav and satellite networks
chair: min sheng, xidian university
1. an marl-based task scheduling algorithm for cooperative computation in multi-uav-assisted mec systems
luyinru yang, jun zheng, southeast university
2. resource allocation in high dynamic multi-uav networks for coverage continuity: a reinforcement learning approach
chengyi zhou, jiangdong li, junyu liu, min sheng, xidian university; nan zhao, dalian university of technology
3. interference-aware resource allocation and inter-satellite handover management in integrated satellite terrestrial networks
ziyue zhang, min sheng, junyu liu, jiangdong li, xidian university
4. random access in low-earth-orbit satellite networks under multi-satellite and multi-beam scenarios
shuaibo zhao, xuefei zhang, qimei cui, jin xu, beijing university of posts and telecommunications
18:00pm - 19:00pm
gala dinner: tbd
tuesday, december 19, 2023 9:00am - 10:30am
room: crowne ii
session 7: machine learning for communications
chair: xijun wang, sun yat-sen university
1. beam hopping scheduling based on deep reinforcement learning
huimin deng, kai ying, lin gui, shanghai jiao tong university
2. performance monitoring for ai-based csi feedback via proxy
jiajia guo, shaodan ma, university of macau, macau china
3. evolutionary ensemble learning for remote interference discrimination in 6g networks
hanzhong zhang, ting zhou, tianheng xu, honglin hu, shanghai advanced research institute, chinese academy of sciences
4. resource allocation for multi-active-ris assisted miso communications via deep reinforcement learning
yu ma, ning gao, xiao li, shi jin, southeast university
5. self-attention based neural network for behavioral modeling and predistortion of power amplifiers
zeren xiong, zhiheng guo, xijun wang, xiang chen, sun yat-sen university
10:30am - 10:45am
coffee break
tuesday, december 19, 2023 10:45am - 12:15pm
room: crowne ii
session 8: intelligent forecasting and positioning
chair: deyue zou, dalian university of technology
1. heterogeneous dynamic graph convolutional networks: a deep learning framework for spatiotemporal flood forecasting
jiange jiang, chen chen, xidian university; hongxi zhou, zhiyu chen, state grid information and telecommunication branch; zeng dou, cong li, state grid jilin province electric power company limited information communication company; hao wang, xi’an molead technology co. ltd.; huixu xiao, state grid jilin electric power company
2. flood forecasting: adding data smoothing methods to deep neural networks
zheng li, chen chen, xidian university; huixu xiao, cong li, chengbin huang, state grid jilin electric power company; yang zhou, ministry of water resources of china
3. enhancing satellite intelligent prediction with parameter correlation and lstm multidimensional forecasting
shuo jiang, yaoxian jiang, china academy of space technology; yihang zhou, beijing institute of technology; ran bi, china academy of space technology; jie zeng, beijing institute of technology; dongyang luo, china academy of space technology; jianguo li, beijing institute of technology
4. an improved npso-gn algorithm for toa-based positioning in indoor environments
kaixuan huang, guangbing zhou, feiyu lin, shunqing zhang, shanghai university
5. an innovative visible light positioning algorithm for precise tracking of unmanned surface vehicles in enclosed environments
xinyue xie, deyue zou, dalian university of technology; yuan liu, national institute of metrology
12:15pm - 14:00pm
lunch: threesixty restaurant and bar
tuesday, december 19, 2023 14:00pm - 15:30pm
room: crowne ii
session 9: 5g/6g networks and protocols
chair: shunqing zhang, shanghai university
1. migration for cloud-native vnf in open source mano
chengcheng li, china electronics technology group corporation; jikun tao, guanju shi, jie zeng, xiangyuan bu, chao zhu, beijing institute of technology; yasheng zhang, china electronics technology group corporation
2. multi-upf: a multi-protocol forwarding upf towards 6g
ying zhao, southeast university; xingxing liao, min wang, purple mountain laboratories
3. a prototype for high-efficiency wifi-5g dual-sensing and dual-connectivity networks
tao yu, jiaxuan zhong, junyi zhou, shunqing zhang, shanghai university
4. closed-loop modeling and performance analysis of b5g rrc with processor sharing discipline
hongzhi guo, wen zhan, xiang chen, sun yat-sen university
15:30pm - 16:00pm
coffee break
tuesday, december 19, 2023 16:00pm - 17:30pm
room: crowne ii
session 10: network security
chair: jianfeng ma, xidian university
1. taha: trajectory-based access and handover authentication scheme for high-speed terminal in space-terrestrial integrated networks
wei you, xidian university; jian he, shanghai aerospace electronic technology institute; jin cao, zerun yan, xidian university; meng zhao, shanghai aerospace electronic technology institute; hui li, xidian university
2. joint secure beamforming for ris-aided integrated multibeam-satellite terrestrial networks
yu zhang, yang yang, shuangrui zhao, teng li, yulong shen, xidian university; xiaohong jiang, future university hakodate, japan; jianfeng ma, xidian university
3. lightweight authentication and key establishment scheme for cloud-network-end integrated systems
chuang tian, junwei zhang, teng li, zhuo ma, yulong shen, jianfeng ma, xidian university
4. preserving privacy in the age of wireless evolution: differential privacy in 5g, beyond 5g, and 6g
sogo pierre sanon, christoph lipps, german research center for artificial intelligence; hans d. schotten, university of kaiserslautern
wednesday, december 20, 2023 09:00am - 10:30am
room: crowne ii
session 11: emerging technologies
chair: bingying wang, southeast university
1. performance analysis of reciprocity calibration errors and local oscillator phase shift: a stochastic geometry approach
yunxiang guo, dongming wang, ziyang zhang, jiamin li, pengcheng zhu, xiaohu you, southeast university
2. minimizing energy consumption of the ris assisted offloading considering phase configuration overhead
bingchang chen, boyang tian, na li, tianbei chen, yanzhao hou, xiaofeng tao, beijing university of posts and telecommunications
3. digital assisted analog cancellation in full-duplex systems
kexin cheng, zhifang xing, changhao du, zhongshan zhang, beijing institute of technology
4. real-time extended reality video transmission optimization based on frame-priority scheduling
guangjin pan, shugong xu, shunqing zhang, xiaojing chen, yanzan sun, shanghai university
5. csc-net: a lightweight model for remote real-time monitoring of infrared small targets
mingjin zhang, nan zhou, xidian university, china; xiaofeng li, xiaogang dong, luchang yang, beijing institute of control engineering, china; yunsong li, xidian university
10:30am - 10:45am
coffee break
tuesday, december 20, 2023 10:45am - 12:15pm
room: crowne ii
closing ceremony
conference begins
dec. 17-20, 2023
important dates
aug. 15, 2023
sept. 5, 2023
sept. 20, 2023 (firm)
oct. 15, 2023
nov. 5, 2023