1. original manuscript submission
authors should submit their original manuscripts via edas (). only pdf files will be accepted for the review process. during the submission process, please select fcn 2023 and submit your manuscripts to a symposium that is most relevant to your manuscripts. the submitted pdf file and the registered information of a paper must list the same author(s), title and abstract (minor wording differences in the abstract are acceptable). please add all authors in edas during the submission process. failure to comply with this rule may result in the withdrawal of your papers from the review process. the author list of an accepted paper cannot be changed in the final manuscript.

2. final manuscript preparation
1) the final manuscript of an accepted paper must be formatted as the standard 2-column ieee layout using ieee conference templates;
2) standard ieee conference templates for latex format and microsoft word can be found at if you use microsoft word, please use a4 template.
3) each is limited to 6 pages or no more than 7 pages after paying an over-length fee for the extra page.

3. final manuscript upload
1) final manuscripts should be submitted via edas.
2) an accepted paper must be registered before being uploaded.
3) the deadline for uploading final camera-ready manuscripts is november 5, 2023.
4) final manuscripts submitted for inclusion in ieee xplore must adhere to the ieee xplore pdf specification for compatibility.

4. paper publication
accepted and presented papers will be published in the fcn 2023 conference proceedings (electronic) and submitted to ieee xplore®, subject to the fulfilment of all conditions provided below.
1) for each accepted paper to be published in the fcn 2023 proceedings and ieee xplore®, at least one author (including students) is required to register at full registration. moreover, a paper must be presented by an author named on the paper. substitute presenters due to unforeseen circumstances must be authorized in advance by the tpc
2) a non-refundable registration fee must be paid prior to uploading the final camera-ready version of each accepted paper.

5. presentation and no-show policy
fcn 2023 will feature oral lecture-style in-person conference, and online presentations will not be possible. a paper that fails to meet this requirement will be removed from the final conference proceedings before uploading to ieee xplore®. no refund will be made to the authors of these papers.

conference begins
dec. 17-20, 2023

important dates

submission deadline:
aug. 15, 2023
sept. 5, 2023
sept. 20, 2023 (firm)
acceptance notification:
oct. 15, 2023
camera-ready paper:
nov. 5, 2023


technical co-sponsors
