ai-driven integrated sensing and communications for 6g

november 18, 2024 valletta, malta

workshop scope

with the fast development of smart terminals and emerging new applications (e.g., real-time and interactive services, distributed learning, iot), wireless data traffic has drastically increased, and current wireless networks cannot completely match the quickly rising technical requirements. as a result, the expectation and development of 6g have attracted a great deal of attention. recently, in 6g mobile communication systems, the use of higher frequency bands, such as the millimeter-wave and terahertz bands, and massive antenna arrays will enable high-accuracy and high-resolution sensing, which can be exploited to integrate wireless signal sensing and communication (isac) in a single system. moreover, a lot of research results show that machine-learning is a key enabler for 6g, since the key issues behind synchronization, channel estimation, equalization, signal detection, iterative decoding, and multi-user detection in wireless communication systems can be solved by carefully designed machine learning algorithms. it is worth noting that machine leaning also can be used to design isac systems, such as for waveform design and optimization.

this workshop aims to explore the potential benefits of the combination of ai and isac for 6g. this research field is relatively new and has not been well understood. therefore, this workshop is expected to bring together and disseminate state-of-the-art research contributions that promote the research in this field and gather contributions from industry and academia on ai-driven iasc for 6g. prospective authors are invited to submit high-quality and original manuscripts on topics including, but not limited to:

  • isac in millimeter-wave and terahertz bands for 6g
  • reconfigurable intelligent surface-assisted isac for 6g
  • integrated artificial intelligence and computing for 6g
  • ai-driven space-air-ground integrated network
  • ai-driven vehicular networks for 6g
  • security and privacy in 6g
  • testbeds and prototypes of ai-driven 6g

workshop organizers
workshop chairs
chih-lin i
china mobile research institute, china

zhi chen
university of electronic science and technology of china, china
ping yang
university of electronic science and technology of china, china
lingxiang li
university of electronic science and technology of china, china

technical program committee (listed by name)
if you have any questions about this workshop, please contact the following email addresses:

instructions for authors

prospective authors are invited to submit 5-page, original, and unpublished full papers to this workshop. a full paper can be up to 6 pages in length, just note that papers longer than 5 pages will require the purchase of additional page charges at the time of registration and final paper submission. workshop papers should be submitted via edas (). prospective authors should prepare their manuscripts in accordance with the standard ieee camera-ready format. the workshop committee reserves the right to not review papers that either exceed the length specification or have been submitted or published elsewhere. all accepted papers must be presented onsite at the conference. accepted papers will be submitted for inclusion into ieee xplore and then indexed by ei compendex.

important dates
submission deadline: aug. 31, 2024      sep. 20, 2024
acceptance notification: sep. 30, 2024
camera-ready paper: oct. 25, 2024
workshop date: nov. 18, 2024

monday, november 18, 2024
room: lecture room 201, l-università ta' malta, valletta campus
14:00pm - 14:20pm
welcome addresses
saviour zammit, co-chair of fcn 2024, vice president of university of malta
zhi chen, workshop chair of fcn 2024, professor of university of electronic science and technology of china

14:20pm - 15:00pm
keynote speech: ambiguity shaping for 6g communications and sensing: bounds and constructions
zilong liu, professor of university of essex, colchester, united kingdom

15:00pm - 15:30pm
1. secure uav-aided reinforcement learning for integrated sensing and communication
ze chen, university of electronic science and technology of china

15:30pm - 16:00pm
2. a multi-user identification method based on power superposition for unsourced random access
dengsheng lin, university of electronic science and technology of china

16:00pm - 16:30pm
3. dlter: a deep learning assisted 3d environmental reconstruction framework in terahertz isac systems
lingxiang li, university of electronic science and technology of china

16:30pm - 17:00pm
4. self-evolving wireless communications: a novel intelligence trend for 6g and beyond
liangxin qian, nanyang technological university

17:00pm - 17:30pm

18:00pm - 20:00pm
welcome reception: l-università ta' malta, valletta campus

past conference

workshop host