on behalf of the organizing committee, it is my great pleasure to welcome you all to the second international conference on future communications and networks, which will be held in valletta, malta on november 18-22, 2024
the annual international conference on future communications and networks (fcn) is an event that aims at providing a forum that brings together researchers from academia as well as practitioners from industry to meet and exchange ideas and recent research work on all aspects of future communications and networks. fcn 2024 is the second edition of this event. the conference will present you an interesting technical program consisting of eight keynote speeches, ten technical sessions, and one workshop. the keynote speeches will be delivered by world-wide well-known experts in the field of communications and networks. the technical sessions will present original research results in the area of communications and networks.
i would like to take this opportunity to thank all organizing committee members for their enthusiastic and great contributions to organizing this event. without their great efforts, this conference would not have been possible. i would also like to thank all the authors who have submitted their papers and contributed their recent research results to this conference. many thanks go to the university of malta and all the future forum staff for their active support and assistance during the entire process of organizing the event.
malta offers visitors a plethora of attractions and spectacular historical monuments and cultural sites. i hope that you will enjoy the technical program and your time at the conference. i also hope that you will take the opportunity to visit malta, and have a wonderful and memorable stay during the conference.
we look forward to welcoming you at fcn 2024 in malta.
xiaohu you
fcn 2024 general chair
monday, november 18, 2024
13:00pm - 14:00pm workshop registration
14:00pm - 14:20pm welcome address
14:20pm - 15:00pm keynote speech: zilong liu
15:00pm - 17:00pm paper report
17:00pm - 17:30pm discussion
18:00pm - 20:00pm welcome reception
tuesday, november 19, 2024
08:00am - 17:00pm conference registration
09:00am - 09:20am welcome and opening addresses
09:20am - 10:00am keynote speech 1: chih-lin i
10:00am - 10:40am keynote speech 2: marco di renzo (remote)
10:40am - 11:00am coffee break
11:00am - 11:40am keynote speech 3: regius rahim tafazolli (remote)
11:40pm - 12:00pm best paper award ceremony
12:30pm - 14:00pm lunch break
14:00pm - 15:30pm session 1: ai-enabled communications and networks (i)
15:30pm - 16:00pm coffee break
16:00pm - 16:40pm keynote speech 4: aylin yener (remote)
16:40pm - 18:10pm session 2: ai-enabled communications and networks (ii)
18:30pm - 20:00pm gala dinner
wednesday, november 20, 2024
09:00am - 09:40am keynote speech 5: mohamed-slim alouini
09:40am - 10:20am keynote speech 6: peiying zhu
10:20am - 10:40am coffee break
10:40am - 11:20am keynote speech 7: geoffrey li
11:20am - 12:00pm keynote speech 8: sumei sun (remote)
12:00pm - 14:00pm lunch break
14:00pm - 15:30pm session 3: ris-assisted communications
15:30pm - 16:00pm coffee break
16:00pm - 17:30pm session 4: channel access and multiplexing
thursday, november 21, 2024
09:00am - 10:30am session 5: channel estimation and beamforming
10:30am - 10:45am coffee break
10:45am - 12:15pm session 6: network resource management
12:15pm - 14:00pm lunch break
14:00pm - 15:30pm session 7: non-terrestrial networks
15:30pm - 16:00pm coffee break
16:00pm - 17:30pm session 8: network performance analysis and optimization
friday, november 22, 2024
09:00am - 10:30am session 9: network design and traffic cognition
10:30am - 10:45am coffee break
10:45am - 12:15pm session 10: advanced techniques for future networks
12:15pm - 12:30pm closing ceremony
workshop on ai-driven integrated sensing and communications for 6g
room: lecture room 201, l-università ta' malta, valletta campus
14:00pm - 14:20pm
welcome addresses
saviour zammit, co-chair of fcn 2024, head of the communications and computer engineering department of university of malta
zhi chen, workshop chair of fcn 2024, professor of university of electronic science and technology of china
14:20pm - 15:00pm
keynote speech: ambiguity shaping for 6g communications and sensing: bounds and constructions
zilong liu, professor of university of essex, colchester, united kingdom
15:00pm - 15:30pm
1. secure uav-aided reinforcement learning for integrated sensing and communication
ze chen, university of electronic science and technology of china
15:30pm - 16:00pm
2. a multi-user identification method based on power superposition for unsourced random access
dengsheng lin, university of electronic science and technology of china
16:00pm - 16:30pm
3. dlter: a deep learning assisted 3d environmental reconstruction framework in terahertz isac systems
lingxiang li, university of electronic science and technology of china
16:30pm - 17:00pm
4. self-evolving wireless communications: a novel intelligence trend for 6g and beyond
liangxin qian, nanyang technological university
17:00pm - 17:30pm
18:00pm - 20:00pm
welcome reception: l-università ta' malta, valletta campus
8:00am-17:00pm: registration
room: terrace suite, corinthia st. george’s bay
09:00am - 09:20am
welcome and opening addresses
xiaohu you, general chair of fcn, academician of chinese academy of sciences (cas), professor at southeast university, director of purple mountain laboratories, vice president and secretary-general of future forum, china
alfred j. vella, rector of university of malta, malta
xinsheng zhang, executive vice-president of future forum, china
jun zheng, tpc chair of fcn 2024, professor at southeast university, china
09:20am - 10:00am
keynote speech 1: aiml visions v.s. 6g day1 feasibility
chih-lin i, chief scientist of china mobile research institute (cmri), chairman of the 5g/6g sig of future forum, ieee fellow
chair: victor buttigieg, university of malta, malta
10:00am - 10:40am
keynote speech 2: stacked intelligent metasurfaces: communication, computing and sensing in the wave domain(remote)
marco di renzo, cnrs research director (professor) head, intelligent physical communications group l2s-centralesupelec, paris-saclay university, ieee fellow
chair: victor buttigieg, university of malta, malta
10:40am - 11:00am
coffee break
11:00am - 11:40am
keynote speech 3: future networks, universally connected intelligence(remote)
regius rahim tafazolli, director and regius professor of 5gic and 6gic at the university of surrey in the united kingdom, fellow of the royal academy of engineering (rae), ieee fellow
chair: gang wu, university of electronic science and technology of china, china
11:40am - 12:00pm
best paper award ceremony
12:00pm - 14:00pm
lunch: fra matino, corinthia st. george’s bay
tuesday, november 19, 2024 14:00pm - 15:30pm
room: terrace suite, corinthia st. george’s bay
session 1: ai-enabled communications and networks (i)
chair: chen chen, xidian university, china
1. 6g scenario-aware and drl-enabled approach for explainable recommendation
zifan sha, changle li, wenwei yue, luqiao wang, yuchuan fu and nan cheng (xidian university, china); zhili sun (university of surrey, united kingdom (great britain)
2. optimizing delay in wireless networks with graph reinforcement learning
hao fang, kai huang, xinping yi, le liang, xiao li and shi jin (southeast university, china)
3. conversational video enhancement based on intelligent bsr
kaiwen yu, lihuan wan, chuanhang yu, bin han and gang wu (university of electronic science and technology of china, china); lei ji (huawei technologies co. ltd, china); hao wang (huawei technologies, china)
4. a human-ai collaborative framework for base station siting leveraging large language models
shuaishuai guo and yanhu wang (shandong university, china); chenyuan feng (eurecom, france); howard yang (zhejiang university, china & university of illinois at urbana champaign (uiuc), usa); dusit niyato (nanyang technological university, singapore); tony q. s. quek (singapore university of technology and design, singapore)
5. sae-cnn: a spatial attention augmented convolutional neural network for service type identification in 5g heterogeneous networks
chen chen, yuanhang li, and yuejun yu (xidian university, china); zhiyi wang and li cong (state grid, china); quan gan and huimin li (beijing goldwater information, china)
15:30pm - 15:50pm
coffee break
15:50pm - 16:30pm
keynote speech 4: semantic communications for ai-native 6g(remote)
aylin yener, professor of electrical and computer engineering, professor of computer science and engineering, roy and lois chope chair in engineering, college of engineering, the ohio state university, ieee fellow
chair: sihai zhang, university of science and technology of china, china
tuesday, november 19, 2024 16:30pm - 18:00pm
room: terrace suite, corinthia st. george’s bay
session 2: ai-enabled communications and networks (ii)
chair: sihai zhang, university of science and technology of china, china
1. semran: semantic radio access networks with collective knowledge sharing in 6g and beyond
hao xu (tongji university, china); weichao chen (tongji university, shanghai, china); kogee zhu (tongji university, china); mérouane debbah (khalifa university of science and technology, france)
2. reinforcement learning based ap selection in cell-free massive mimo systems with phase-noise
junjie feng (sun yat-sen university, china); zhiheng guo (sun yat-sen university, china); xijun wang and xiang chen (sun yat-sen university, china)
3. multi-layer collaborative federated reinforcement learning for interference management in distributed iiot networks
borui zhao, qimei cui, xueqi li, shengyuan liang and xiaofeng tao (beijing university of posts and telecommunications, china)
4. a stacking-based method for path loss prediction in evaporation ducts
huazheng miao (shanghai university, china); hanzhong zhang and tianheng xu (shanghai advanced research institute, chinese academy of sciences, china); ting zhou (shanghai university, china); honglin hu (shanghai advanced research institute, china)
5. learned intelligent recognizer with adaptively customized ris phases in communication systems
yixuan huang and jie yang (southeast university, china); chao-kai wen (national sun yat-sen university); shuqiang xia (zte corporation, china); xiao li and shi jin (southeast university, china)
18:00pm - 20:00pm
gala dinner: fra matino, corinthia st. george’s bay
room: terrace suite, corinthia st. george’s bay
09:00am - 09:40am
keynote speech 5: towards connecting the remaining unconnected
mohamed-slim alouini, al-khawarizmi distinguished professor of ece & holder unesco chair on education to connect the unconnected, king abdullah university of science and technology (kaust), saudi arabia
chair: changle li, xidian university, china
09:40am - 10:20am
keynote speech 6: agi innovations redefinecommunications and networking
peiying zhu, senior vice president of wireless research, huawei, ieee fellow, fellow of canadian academy of engineering
chair: changle li, xidian university, china
10:20am - 10:40am
coffee break
10:40am - 11:20am
keynote speech 7: fast adaptation for deep learning based wireless communications
geoffrey li, chair in wireless systems intelligent transmission and processing (itp) lab, dept of electrical and electronics engineering imperial college london, uk
chair: char-dir chung, national taiwan university
11:20am - 12:00pm
keynote speech 8: integrated sensing, ai, and 6g: opportunities and challenges(remote)
sumei sun, executive director,institute for infocomm research (i2r), a*star, singapore
chair: char-dir chung, national taiwan university
12:00pm - 14:00pm
lunch: fra matino, corinthia st. george’s bay
wednesday, november 20, 2024 14:00pm - 15:30pm
room: terrace suite, corinthia st. george’s bay
session 3: ris-assisted communications
chair: yan feng, southeast university, china
1. strengthening secure transmission in multi-user systems via double-ris
xinwu chen and shuai han (harbin institute of technology, china)
2. drl-based secure beamforming design for ris-assisted isac system: a crb perspective
shuo yang and wu luo (peking university, china)
3. joint beamforming and rate splitting design for ris assisted rsma system
yang yang, xinxin he and xiaotong guo (beijing university of posts and telecommunications, china); yingying cui (beijing university of post and telecommunications, china); xu chen (china academy of information and telecommunications technology, china); bingxuan li and changchuan yin (beijing university of posts and telecommunications, china)
4. high-order direct antenna modulation via passive reconfigurable intelligent surface
menglin wei, sen wang and xin su (china mobile research institute, china); jing jin (cmri, china); qixing wang (cmcc, china); yifei yuan (china mobile research institute, china)
5. sum-rate maximization for uav-mounted star-ris-assisted wireless powered communications networks
yue fang (fujian normal university, china); jun zhang (nanjing university of posts and telecommunications, china); yi wu (fujian normal university, china); qi zhang (nanjing university of posts and telecommunications, china); feng yan (southeast university, china); lianfeng shen (southeast university, china)
15:30pm - 16:00pm
coffee break
wednesday, november 20, 2024 16:00pm - 17:30pm
room: terrace suite, corinthia st. george’s bay
session 4: channel access and multiplexing
chair: ping yang, university of electronic science and technology of china, china
1. federated meta-rl based multiple access protocol for diverse heterogeneous wireless networks
zhaoyang liu and xijun wang (sun yat-sen university, china); kun guo (east china normal university, china); xinghua sun (sun yat-sen university, china); xiang chen (sun yat-sen university, china)
2. non-orthogonal multiple access for uplink cooperative amplify-and-forward relay networks
fang-ko chao (national taiwan university); wei-chang chen (national taipei university of technology); char-dir chung (national taiwan university)
3. mimo unsourced random access in frequency selective channels: exploiting delay-angular sparsity
min liu, yue xiao and lechen zhang (university of electronic science and technology of china, china); vladimir k. poulkov (technical university of sofia, bulgaria); ming xiao (royal institute of technology, sweden)
4. multi-constellation signal designs aided affine frequency division multiplexing for 6g communication systems
ke jiang and ping yang (university of electronic science and technology of china, china); tony q. s. quek (singapore university of technology and design, singapore); zilong liu (university of essex, united kingdom (great britain)); saviour zammit (university of malta, malta)
5. manipulating multi-path channel asymptotic orthogonality by adjusting antenna spacing
ke liu, xin wei, weidong mei and dong wang (university of electronic science and technology of china, china); boyu ning (huawei technologies, china); zhi chen (university of electronic science and technology of china, china)
thursday, november 21, 2024 9:00am - 10:30am
room: terrace suite, corinthia st. george’s bay
session 5: channel estimation and beamforming
chair: wang luhan, beijing university of post and telecommunications, china
1. time-varying channel modelling and estimating for reliable edge and cloud computing networks
fan jiang (pengcheng laboratory, china); zijun gong (hong kong university of science and technology (gz), china & hong kong university of science and technology, china); yuhui song (memorial university, canada); xiaofeng tao (beijing university of posts and telecommunications, china)
2. data-assisted channel estimation for non-terrestrial networks in low snr
zhuohang li, yitong liu, yunan sun, huan kong, luhan wang and hongwen yang (beijing university of posts and telecommunications, china)
3. directional beam-based anti-interference method for uav networks
xinke jian, zhiyuan ren, wenchi cheng and jialin hu (xidian university, china)
4. beamforming design of isac system for enhancing sensing distance
yuan liu (zhejiang laboratory, china); ruihong jiang (beijing university of posts and telecommunications, china); yongdong zhu, bin yang and shuyuan zhao (zhejiang lab, china)
5. cost-efficient beam alignment in mmwave communications enlightened by image restoration
feifan liu (sun yat-sen university, china); chenyuan feng (eurecom, france); xijun wang and xiang chen (sun yat-sen university, china)
10:30pm - 10:45pm
coffee break
thursday, november 21, 2021 10:45am - 12:15pm
room: terrace suite, corinthia st. george’s bay
session 6: network resource management
chair: xiang chen, sun yat-sen university, china
1. optimizing network slices: a comparative analysis of allocation algorithms for 5g environments
christos j bouras and damianos diasakos (university of patras, greece); apostolos gkamas (university of ioannina, greece); vasileios kokkinos (university of patras, greece); philippos pouyioutas (university of nicosia, cyprus); nikolaos prodromos (university of patras, greece)
2. distributed resource allocation and computation offloading based on blockchain in vehicle edge computing
xiaoting ruan (university of chinese academy of sciences, china); fei shen (shanghai institute of microsystem and information technology, chinese academy of sciences, china); feng yan (southeast university, china); lianfeng shen (southeast university, china); yi wu (fujian normal university, china); liang tang (shanghai institute of microsystem and information technology, chinese academy of science, china); yu zhao and zhiyong bu (shanghai institute of microsystem and information technology, cas, china)
3. reinforcement-learning based resource allocation for mec assisted digital twin construction
shurui jiang and jun zheng (southeast university, china)
4. decentralized auction for blockchain-based dynamic spectrum sharing in 6g networks
ding tan (university of chinese academy of sciences china, china); ling liu (chinese academy of sciences, china); yiqing zhou (chinese academy of science, china); jinglin shi (chinese academy of sciences, china); zhengang pan (spreadtrum inc., china); haibo wang (beijing jiaotong university, china)
5. multi-point channel charting aided resource management in cell-free networks
yuanqing ye (university of science and technology of china, china); chenyu xu (iowa state university, usa); zhen wang (china telecommunications corporation, china); lie shan (anhui communications vocational & technical college, china); sihai zhang (university of science and technology of china, china)
12:15pm - 14:00pm
lunch: fra matino, corinthia st. george’s bay
thursday, november 21, 2024 14:00pm - 15:30pm
room: terrace suite, corinthia st. george’s bay
session 7: non-terrestrial networks
chair: mario cordina, university of malta, malta
1. computing-aware routing method based on node expansion for dtn space networks
yiyang wang, kanglian zhao, wenfeng li and yuan fang (nanjing university, china); yong hao (columbia university in the city of new york, usa)
2. srv6 based store-carry-and-forward networking for deep space
yihan zhu, jun liu, kanglian zhao and wenfeng li (nanjing university, china)
3. space-time-frequency-coding joint signal processing for satellite constellation communication systems: a simulation study
tong yang (china academy of space technology, china); wen tian (nanjing university of information science and technology, china); wen-ting liu (china academy of space technology, china); zhen gao (tianjin university, china); dong tian (beijing institute of technology, china)
4. smart energy efficient non-terrestrial networks: towards 6g
saviour zammit and victor buttigieg (university of malta, malta); hector fenech (uiversity of malta, malta); etienne-victor depasquale, antoine sciberras, mario cordina and jean marie mifsud (university of malta, malta); franco r. davoli (university of genoa & national inter-university consortium for telecommunications (cnit), italy); nour badini (university of genoa, italy); ping yang (university of electronic science and technology of china, china)
5. air interface design for a tdd-based 5g ntn system
xiaonan sun, shaoli kang and deshan miao (cict mobile communication technology co., ltd, china)
15:30pm - 16:00pm
coffee break
thursday, november 21, 2024 16:00pm - 17:30pm
room: terrace suite, corinthia st. george’s bay
session 8: network performance analysis and optimization
chair: zhen gao, tianjin university, china
1. coverage probability and area spectral efficiency in multiuser mimo hetnets under intense electromagnetic pulses effect
jiaxin du, feng yan and zhi hao jiang (southeast university, china); fei shen (shanghai institute of microsystem and information technology, chinese academy of sciences, china); weiwei xia and lianfeng shen (southeast university, china); yi wu (fujian normal university, china); song xing (california state university, los angeles, usa)
2. a unified analysis of slotted aloha with stochastic arrivals: transmission probability control versus age threshold control
yuankang huang (sun yat-sen university, china); wen zhan (sun yat-sen university, china); dewei wu (sun yat-sen university, china); huaqiang zhang (city university of hong kong, china); xiang chen (sun yat-sen university, china)
3. life-time throughput optimization of slotted aloha
yu wan (sun yat-sen university, china); fangming zhao (zju-uiuc institute, zhejiang university, china); xinghua sun (sun yat-sen university, china); xijun wang and xiang chen (sun yat-sen university, china)
4. more is less: a lightweight model for sfc-constrained maximum flow using functions-expanded graph
peng wang, suman sourav and binbin chen (singapore university of technology and design, singapore); hongyan li (xidian university, china)
5. accelerating vr latency optimization in computing-aware networks via graph extension
fei liu (xidian university & university of toronto, china); hongyan li and keyi shi (xidian university, china); peng wang (singapore university of technology and design, singapore); han ma (xidian university, china)
friday, november 22, 2024 09:00am - 10:30am
room: terrace suite, corinthia st. george’s bay
session 9: network design and traffic cognition
chair: ping-ping tang, anhui normal university, china
1. microservices-based design of cloud-edge collaboration architecture
wenxiong mo, jiantao zheng, caibao zhang and liang xiong (guangzhou power supply bureau, china)
2. a 6g distributed autonomous core network with proxy architecture and http/3 transport
zhigang tian and ming zhao (tsinghua university, china); yida xu (beijing national research center for information science and technology, china); chao liu (china mobile research institute, china)
3. beacons: a blockchain-enabled authentication and communications network for scalable iov
qi shi, jingyi sun, hanwei fu, peizhe fu, jiayuan ma, hao xu and erwu liu (tongji university, china)
4. cellular network traffic prediction based on graph enhanced transformer in dense urban scenarios
geng chen and yulin hou (shandong university of science and technology, china); fei shen (shanghai institute of microsystem and information technology & chinese academy of sciences, china); qingtian zeng (china)
5. an efficient solution for traffic cognition in future ioe networks
ping-ping tang (anhui normal university, china); shiwen mao (auburn university, usa)
10:30am - 10:45am
coffee break
friday, november 22, 2024 10:45am - 12:15pm
room: terrace suite, corinthia st. george’s bay
session 10: advanced techniques for future networks
chair: zijun gong, hong kong university of science and technology (gz), china
1. a supervision game-theoretic incentive mechanism for cooperative sensing in connected and autonomous vehicles
pincan zhao and changle li (xidian university, china); xinrui zhang (carleton university, canada); yuchuan fu and mengqiu tian (xidian university, china)
2. a 5g commercial signal based positioning method for high-speed railway beam tracking
dan fei and haoran chen (beijing jiaotong university, china); he hu (beijing information science and technology university, china); peng zheng, haibo wang, jiayi zhang and bo ai (beijing jiaotong university, china)
3. energy efficiency maximization for uav-assisted cognitive radio systems
yanqing yu (fujian normal university, china); jun zhang (nanjing university of posts and telecommunications, china); yi wu (fujian normal university, china); shu cai (nanjing university of posts and telecommunications, china); feng yan (southeast university, china); lianfeng shen (southeast university, china)
4. leveraging otfs modulation for high doppler shift channel in satellite vehicular networks
zhanxi ma, jianzhe xue, jiaxin li, yi yuan, xiaoyu liu and haibo zhou (nanjing university, china)
5. hybrid fuzzy and precise phase-based secret key generation for rail transit sensor networks
yizhuo wang and qinghe du (xi'an jiaotong university, china); jiyu chen (casco signal ltd., china)
12:15pm – 12:30pm
closing ceremony
conference begins
nov. 18-22, 2024
important dates
jul. 15, 2024
aug. 1st, 2024
aug. 15, 2024
aug. 31, 2024(firm)
sept. 30, 2024
oct. 25, 2024