opening address

xiaohu you

academician of chinese academy of sciences (cas);
professor at southeast university (seu);
vice president and secretary-general of future forum;
director and chief scientist of purple mountain laboratories;
ieee fellow


obtained his doctorate from southeast university in 1988. he is a distinguished professor of the changjiang scholars program and the winner of the national science fund for distinguished young scholars and the national may day labor medal. dr. you is currently the director of national mobile communications research laboratory, southeast university, director and chief scientist of purple mountain laboratories, and deputy director of peng cheng laboratory. since 1999, he has successively served as the leader of 3g, 4g and 5g expert groups under the national high-tech r&d program (863 program), the leader of the expert group and head of 6g special general expert group of china's national key r&d program for broadband communication and new networks, and deputy chief engineer of the major national science and technology project for the new-generation broadband wireless mobile communication network. as the first accomplisher, he has successively won the first prize of the state technology invention awards and the second prize of the state science and technology progress award. he was awarded the iet achievement award by uk's institution of engineering and technology in 2021 and won the tan kah kee science awards in 2014. he was elected as an ieee fellow in 2011. he has successively served as the chairman of 2019 ieee international conference on communications (icc) and 2013 ieee wireless communications and networking conference (wcnc), two famous conferences in the international communication field. in 2023, you xiaohu was elected as an academician of the chinese academy of sciences.

conference begins
nov. 18-22, 2024

important dates

submission deadline:
jul. 15, 2024
aug. 1st, 2024
aug. 15, 2024
aug. 31, 2024(firm)
acceptance notification:
sept. 30, 2024
camera-ready paper:
oct. 25, 2024

past conference


technical co-sponsors
