in order to enhance the research on customer requirements, and as the expansion of the wg1 and wg2 sub-meeting, staff from future forum secretariat and representatives from the for......
future mobile communication forum held the “future activity open week”, during which several activities were successively conducted, including the “future trial system open day”, “......
on december 11th, sino-europe information and communication technology standardization seminar, jointly organized by department of science and technology of mii and delegation of e......
on november 29th of 2006, sino-japan working group meeting on 4g mobile communication was held successfully in hainan province of china, which was presided over by prof. you xiaohu......
on november 29, 2006, the 5th session of the sino-south korea working committee for the 4th generation mobile communication was held in hainan province, china. senior officials fro......
as a member in chinese mii delegation, ms. fu jun, vice secretary-general of future forum, attended the sino-eu cooperative seminar and eu ist2006 exhibition in helsinki of finland......
china and japan has been diligently promoting the communication and cooperation in the development of b3g related mobile communication and made important progress in the r&d ......
the international conference on beyond 3g mobile communications-2006 (icb3g-2006) was held from september 20th to 21st in seoul, korea. the chinese delegation of large s......
in order to further promote the development of future mobile communication technology and to strengthen the cooperation in b3g research between china and japan, future mobile commu......
the 3rd cross-forum meeting among future mobile communication forum, mitf (japan), ngmc (korea) and wwrf (europe), was held in shanghai regent hotel on april 25, 2006. the meeting ......