the sixth council meeting and general assembly of future forum held in xi'an

 assembly     |       2011/5/4

april 23rd of 2011, the sixth council meeting and general assembly of future forum were given in xi’an. the meeting was hosted by chairman wu hequan, and attended by the leaders from miit, srrc, most, and ccsa, and 35 representatives from 27 council members.

entrusted by the council, prof. you xiaohu, vice chairman and secretary-general of future forum made reports on work summary 2010 and work plan 2011.

in 2010, future forum has been focusing on emerging national strategic industry, promoting the development of iot technologies and industry, and committed to promote 4g research results from academy to industry, putting more importance upon the collaboration with relative enterprises and organizations within mobile communication industry, hoping to introduce the latest 4g achievements to the enterprises, importing the new application cases to more companies, and actively conducting researches on some hot issues such as green communication, satellite communication and te-lte. in 2010, future forum organized independently or cooperated with other organizations on over 20 technical seminars, summit conferences, international communication activities, technical training, visits and inspections, and regular wg workshops. technical white paper 2010 was reviewed and revised by authoritative experts and formally published by tsinghua university press. the joint research fund set up with japanese mobile communication community further put the bilateral research into effect and brought new breakthroughs to the international cooperation mode. the sino-swedish program that has been implemented for 3 years has successfully achieved the first-stage goal, setting a successful example for the international cooperation in high-tech field.

in 2011, with the industrialization and standardization of 4g mobile communication technologies, some new technical applications based on advanced technologies and the organic integration of various technologies have become stressed in information communication industry and the r&d of advanced technologies. future forum will continue to promote the industrialization of 4g mobile communication technologies. future forum will closely refer to the 12th five-year plan for communication industry, initiating research on advanced technologies and applications, and leading the development of future mobile communication technologies. future forum will also promote the maturity of the next generation mobile communication and relative technologies, and propelling the industrialization and commercialization of advanced research results. as for international cooperation, future forum will summarize the results gained by the sino-swedish cooperative program, prepare for more profound cooperative program based on the previous cooperation so as to promote the further development of sino-swedish cooperative program, and simultaneously continue to promote sino-europe, cjk, sino-australian cooperation and communication, giving full play to the international influences of future forum and the advantages of communicative platform, assorting relative departments to prepare and initiate various inter-governmental strategic cooperation projects, organizing and coordinating all resources to participate in and support international cooperation projects.

future forum has been running for 5 years, during which the forum integrated the powers from all areas, starting from service requirements and spectrum plan, cutting in from key technologies and standards, stressing marketing application and industrial development, provided a sound academic platform for technical exchanges and served as the bridge between operators and industries, connecting systems, terminals, and chips, worked as the window for international cooperation and the communication channels of governmental departments, enterprises, universities, and research institutes. with the accumulation and development in five years, future forum has established an international communicative platform with powers from all areas and rich experience in international cooperation projects. during the past five years, the members donated all kinds of support and cooperation to the development of future forum, and have been playing important roles in the research work in all the working groups. at the fifth anniversary of future forum, special awards were given to the special contributive members, shining individuals and fresher to acknowledge their remarkable contribution to future forum.

mr. wu hequan hosting the meeting

prof. you xiaohu giving reports on working summary and plan

miit yu shengduo

most wen bin

srrc li hengshuai
ccsa yang zemin
future forum fu jun

shining individual awards

special contribution awards
shining fresher: xidian university