the 5th council meeting and general assembly of future forum held in beijing
assembly | 2010/4/26april 23rd of 2009, the 5th council meeting and general assembly of future forum was held in beijing, which was presided by chairman wu hequan, attended by over 30 representatives from 21 council members and 5 forum members.
entrusted by the council, professor you xiaohu, vice chairman and secretary-general of future forum, made the report on the future forum's work summary of 2009 and the future forum's working plan for 2010. dr. li xiaoqiang, vice chairman of wg4, introduced the progresses of the compilation of technical white paper 2009.
future forum was giving full play as the platform and bridge in exchange and promotion in 2009, while participating in-depth in the next generation technique extension, 4g standards collection, the 12th national five-year plan formulation, and international b3g cooperation, and has enhanced its international reputation and the irreplaceable role of importance. as a support to the governmental decision-making, future forum, concentrating on the setup of national significant strategy, participated actively in the national imt-a standards advancing and in the formulation and promotion of the 12th national five-year plan of network communication high-tech development strategies. with regard to the international communication, future forum successfully organized icb3g-2009 while the various international and cross-regional communication activities all have gained remarkable achievements. as for the technical promotion, future forum conducted more systematic top-down research, pioneered new approach to promote uwb technology industrialization process, and opened up a new area of research on satellite mobile communications. future forum prepared the establishment of technology innovation alliance for future mobile communication industry strategy in 2009 and increased its brand influence. the technical white paper will be published in 2010, involving advanced achievements of 4g and post-4g research. in 2009, the forum membership showed a contrarian growth, officially incorporated hitach, nec, chongqing university of posts and telecommunications, xi’an university of electronic science and technology, beijing university and other units as formal members.
in the coming 2010, future forum will strengthen the top-down technical research while interacting with the national significant s&t projects, standardization activities and industrial development, and promote the implementation of the s&t plans. future forum will fully mobilize the power from the government, the production industry, and the research department, and actively participated in the standardization work to promote the transformation of research results. future forum will launch a series of promoting activities of scientific research lectures, integration and industrialization of relative technologies such as on wireless mobile communication, internet of things, and short-range access, making the technical research work closely connected with the major national scientific research projects. in addition, future forum will continue to vigorously promote the exchanges across the taiwan strait and the international research activities, initiate and implement the relative communication projects, and contribute to the innovation and convergence in the international development of future mobile communication technologies.
representatives from the council members and the forum members had a heated discussion on the above issues, affirming the work done in the previous year and giving suggestions and advice for the coming year, and approving the work summary of 2009 and working plan for 2010. the council issued membership certificates to the four new comers, namely hitach, nec, xi’an university of electronic science and technology, and peking university. prof. jiao bingli, from peking university, on behalf of the new comers, stated the expectation and affirmation on future forum as a platform of information exchange and cooperation. the council representatives also suggests that future forum gradually enhance the international cooperation and pre-standardization research, further shorten the gap with the international level, and play a more substantial role in promoting the development of future mobile communication technologies.
in order to encourage the members and individuals with outstanding performance in 2009, mr. wu hequan, on behalf of future forum, awarded the outstanding leaders, cooperation and contributions, star individuals and remarkable progress.