the 4th council meeting and general assembly of future forum
assembly | 2009/3/27march 27th of 2009, the 4th council meeting and general assembly of future forum was held in beijing, which was presided by chairman wu hequan, attended by mr. qiang xiaozhe, director of high and new technology and industrialization of most and representatives from 36 forum members.
director qiang made an address on the meeting, affirming the work and progresses future forum. presently, there is a clear way for 3g evolutions in china, faced with further promotion and construction. it is believed that guided by the national key projects, the development of future mobile communication will be greatly promoted.
chairman wu hequan high commented the work of the first council, considering the forum as a government—production-study-research combination, serving the government and the members. it is a rare platform in china with its own features and superiorities. concerning the development of the forum, chairman wu hequan stressed three points. firstly, the application and technical problems generated by the newly issued 3g licenses will be the new subjects for the research of future forum. secondly, future forum should be focusing on the itu 4g standardization work which is believed to last for several years. thirdly, how to offer better services to the members under the financial crisis nad how to provide more chances for communication on and participation in china’s development of mobile communication industry will be highly stressed.
entrusted by the council, professor you xiaohu, vice chairman and secretary-general of future forum, made the report on the future forum's work from 2005 to 2008 and the future forum's working plan for 2009.
in 2008, all kinds of works and projects are implemented and fulfilled as planned. future forum is growing into a proactive and effective force in promoting future mobile communication technology and industry development along the road of the evolution to 4g.
as for its researches on hotsports , future forum actively assists government administrative bureaus in areas as imt-a standardization, key project technical route setting, national communication emergency response system construction, imt-a spectrum layout etc. it also conduct research report on its investigation and consulting works as well as special symposiums to help responsible department in decision making. as for its international exchange, sino-swedish future mobile communication cooperation project has fully implemented. sino-finland next generation mobile communication network and service cooperation is being prepared. the content of sino-japanese and sino-korean b3g cooperation has been intensified. as for its reasehch work of wg, forum research scope in terms of depth and breadth has been broaded. more than 200 technical articles were contributed to the special seminars and the working groups. operators was stimulated and forum research atmosphere was vivified. research work of the broadband wireless access work group and ipr special group has been fully deployed.
in 2009 future mobile telecommunication standards will be finalized and new technology will get mature. future will be tracking the international imt-advanced standardization development, base on implementation experience of “national science and technology key special project”, “national high-tech research development plan (863 plan)” and “national science and technology support plan”, follow up with the latest progress in imt-a wireless transmission technology, imt-a wireless assembling technology and wireless network auto-organization and auto-optimization technology, promote the research result of china’s advance mobile telecommunication technologies and impel the technological harmonization between china and the world.
ms. fu jun made a brief introduction of icb3g-2009 which will be held in beijing in june of 2009.
the first council of future forum expires. during the previous three years, future forum has been rapidly developed under the leadership of the first council. the name list of the newly elected council was voted and released on the meeting, which is high expected to lead the forum to a new level.
in order to encourage the members and individuals with outstanding performance in 2008, future forum awarded the outstanding leaders, cooperation and contributions, star individuals and remarkable progress. meanwhile, the special achievement prizes were also awarded to the leaders and members who had made outstanding contributions to future forum during the past three years.
director qiang xiaozhe, dept. of high and new technology and industrialization of most |
prof. you xiaohu, secretary-general of future forum making work summary |
prof. zhang ping, vice chairman of future forum summarizing the work of working groups. |
ms. fu jun, vice secretary-general of future forum introducing icb3g-2009. |
chaiman wu hequan certified cqupt as the new member |
chairman wu hequan and the star individual of 2008 |
chairman wu hequan and representatives of remarkably progressed members |
chairman wu hequan and outstanding leaders |
chairman wu hequan and representatives of outstanding cooperation members |
chaiman wu hequan and representatives of special achievement members |
chairman wu hequan and special achievement leaders |
member representatives |