the fifth working group meeting of 2006

 research     |       2007/2/10

the fifth working group meeting of future forum in 2006 was held in siyuan hotel in guang’an city, sichuan province from january 31st to february 1st of 2007. the overall meeting, hosted by ms. shi youyan who was responsible for the daily affaires of the secretariat, was held on the morning of january 31st on which prof. you xiaohu, chairman of future forum, after hearing the conclusive report of each working group, made a conclusion on the work done in the past year. he addressed that future forum had done a lot of work in the past year according to the preset schedule and had accumulated much experience for the future work. while confirming the work done by the working groups, prof. you proposed certain expectation and suggestions on each working group, hoping that the working groups could sort out the content of the white papers and complete the scheduled work before the board meeting. prof. you also considered that the voluntary research would be enhanced in the next year. at last, prof. you expressed that relative research project would be likely to be established in the next year in order to better develop the research of the working groups. later, ms. shi youyan made a brief introduction of the visit paid by future forum to taiwan province, in which she emphasized the “national telecommunication technology plan” and “m-taiwan” project, expecting that the experiences learned from taiwan could serve as references in the future work of the forum.

in the sub-meetings, each group concluded and combed the content of the white paper 2006. the output of the white paper 2006 was almost confirmed on the fifth working group meeting which was also the last working group meeting of 2006, and it was expected that the further improvement of the white paper could be completed before the board meeting. besides discussing the content of the white paper, the content and manner of research were also concluded and analyzed on the fifth working group meeting, according to which the working plan and work division for 2007 were initially made.

in order to improve the research on service requirements, the first working group, after having collected suggestions and advice from the forum members, compiled a questionnaire used for the customer requirement investigation. after the working group meeting, the representatives from the forum members and the staff of the secretariat made the investigation on the customer requirements with the local residents, from which excellent effects were achieved. the investigation was only an initial exploration for the whole investigation plan, so it will be further developed in both range and depth and the results achieved will output in the white paper.