future forum、wwrf、ngmc and mitf forum final report of cross-forum meeting
international | 2005/10/17time:oct. 21, 2005, from 14:00 to 19:00
location:shanghai international convention center, meeting room 5h}
host:future forum,professor you xiaohu
government officials:
mr. yang lincun, deputy director of the intellectual property center, ministry of science and technology
representatives and experts:
future forum:
professor zhang ping, beijing university of posts and telecommunications;
professor you xiaohu, southeast university;
ms. wang zhiqin, deputy director of the telecommunication standard institute, academy of telecommunication research of ministry of information industry;
dr. bu zhiyong, executive director, research center for wireless technologies;
ms. fu jun, ms. shi youyan, forum secretariat
mitf(mobile it forum,japan):
dr. kohei satoh, arib(association of radio industries and business);
dr. akihisa ushirokawa, nec;
mr. motoi shiraishi, arib
ngmc forum(next generation mobile communications forum,korea):
dr. seung koo hwang, etri, chairman for ngmc forum;
dr. ki-ho kim, samsung;
dr. woo koo park, etri;
professor nak myung kim, ewu;
dr. wook kim, samsung;
dr. sung-moon shin, ngmc
wwrf(wireless world research forum):
dr. mikko uusitalo, nokia, finland, chairman of wwrf;
dr. fiona williams, ericsson, germany;
mr. andrew aftelak, motorola, uk;
dr. werner mohr, siemens ag, germany;
dr. constantinos papadias, lucent, usa;
mr. hu wang, huawei technologies, china;
dr. byung k. yi, lg electronics, usa/korea
the future mobile communications forum was formally established on october 17th, 2005, and a great ceremony was held in the shanghai international convention center for its establishment. as the first international forum of future mobile communications in china, and under the guidance of ministry of science and technology, ministry of information industry, bureau of radio regulation and china communications standards association, also based on the huge market and precious experiences of china’s information communications industry, the forum will take efforts in creating an open international organization and further promote the cooperation between china and other countries around the world in this field, so as to exert greater influence on the development of future international mobile communications.
as the first international meeting since its founding, the ‘future mobile communications international summit & mocca-wwi project seminar’, was successfully held by the future mobile communications forum in shanghai international convention center from october 18th to 21th. this meeting was authorized and supported by the ministry of science and technology of the people’s republic of china, ministry of information industry and the shanghai municipal government, sponsered by the future mobile communications forum, and undertaken by the shanghai research center for wireless communications. it was another great meeting for the development of future mobile communications technology and standard after the sessions heold in beijing 2002, in seoul 2003 and in tokyo 2004. this summit showed the strength of research and development for our future mobile communications, further enhanced the mutual understanding between china and other countries in the world, and promoted the cooperation between china and other countries in the field of future mobile communications, which set up a good foundation for china to have a greater international influence in the development of future mobile communications.
the founding of the future mobile communications forum and the successful holding of the international summit for future mobile communications have caught great attention around the world. a number of related international organizations have expressed their interestes in further exchange and cooperation. the future mobile communications forum began its cooperation with the world-famous telecommunication organizations and assiociations since its preparation. the most influential future mobile communications cooperation organizations are wireless world research forum (wwrf) which is mainly composed of european manufacturers, as well as mitf and ngmc forum of japan and korea which is targetted at the development and cooperation in future mobile communications. the comprehensive and further cooperation with them will be beneficial to the realization of international cooperation and will further promote the development of the future mobile communications technology in china.
as for the issue of exchange and cooperation between the three international forums, a report has been submitted to the related officials in the department of science and technology of the ministry of information industry and the department of high tech of the ministry of science and technology. with the support and encouragement of the officials in charge and after careful preparation, the cross-forum meeting was held during the ‘future mobile communications international summit & mocca-wwi project seminar’, and a comprehensive and in depth discussion and exchange have been carried out on the cooperation issues among the cross-forum organizations.
i opening address of government official and presentations of representatives from the four forums
deputy director of the high-tech r&d center, ministry of science and technology, mr. yang lincun delivers opening address on behalf of the high-tech r&d center, and extends warm welcome and congratulations on the establishment of long-term cooperation among the four forums in promoting the development of future mobile communication technologies and standards.
persons-in-charge and experts form future, mitf, ngmc and wwrf forums have exchanges and discussions on several aspects including the forum structures, b3g system, applications, spectrum, air interface, etc., and express concerns on the fact that itu will allocate spectrum for beyond 3g (itu has given the official name of imt advanced) and start up the standardization research on world radio-communication conference 2007 (wrc’07). representatives from the four parties further express their desire for in-depth and extensive exchanges and cooperation among the four forums, and expect, through such communication and exchanges, to enhance the understanding among them, diminish divergences, and actively seek support and cooperation among one another.
ii. discussions and consensus reached
participants from four parties reach a consensus on strengthening cooperation in the field of global b3g after heated discussions and in-depth exchange of views. they all agree that the meeting of persons-in-charge from the four parties shall be held at least once every year, and extensive exchanges and cooperation in such aspects as air interface, spectrum, access network, flexible use of spectrum, channel model, etc. shall be carried out, so as to promote the development of the b3g technology.
the meeting also puts forward several suggestions regarding specific cooperation program among the four forums in the coming period:
1. cross-forum meeting (recommended name) will be held once every year as the permanent mechanism for the cooperation among the four forums;
2. it is expected that cross-forum meeting 2006 will be held together with wwrf annual meeting in shanghai on april 25, or together with international summit on future mobile communication hosted by the republic of korea in the latter half of the year;
3. cross-forum technical seminars may be arranged in accordance with practical needs and specific situations; the first seminar shall be held in paris on dec. 7, 2005. the seminar will be an opportunity for the exchange of ideas on b3g prospects, core network for service systems, fundimental research, etc.
future forum
oct. 26, 2005