the second meeting of future forum 5g/6g sig & security working group in 2023 held

 research     |       2023/10/27

in the second half of 2023, discussions around 5g-advanced and 6g are more heated than ever before. the future mobile communication forum continues to increase its efforts in promoting discussions and collaborations on cutting-edge technologies for next-generation wireless communication.

on october 26, the future forum 5g/6g sig & security working group held its second offline meeting of 2023. dozens of representatives from various fields of industry, academia, and research gathered together. under the guidance of chih-lin i, chairman of the 5g/6g sig working group and chief scientist of china mobile research institute, the attendees exchanged ideas on the development of 5g/6g technology and discussed several white papers planned to be published by the member units of the working group this year.

wang sen from china mobile sorted out and introduced the framework and content of the overall 6g white paper, and the participants exchanged views on the integration of communication and computing. chairman chih-lin i suggested that the content regarding service-oriented networks should be further clarified, and considering that many enterprises in the field of foundation models are making efforts, the white paper should focus on more specific objectives. the 6g nfc technology is one of the enabling technologies to meet higher data rate requirements, high-precision sensing requirements and iot wireless energy transmission requirements for future 6g networks. regarding the content of the 6g near-field communication white paper, zhao yajun from zte introduced the writing arrangement, group discussion arrangements for each chapter, offline seminars and the feasibility of potential joint publication with other organizations. qin zhijin from tsinghua university introduced the key technologies, application scenarios, key challenges, and summaries and outlooks surrounding the semantic communication white paper. the participants also exchanged views on topics such as source coding, channel coding, semantic transmission, and scene applications.

in response to the ris research progress and network deployment challenges, su xin from china mobile introduced the framework outline of the white paper, participating organizations and their contributions, as well as the schedule. the participants expressed during the exchange that the evolution from 5g to 6g would require solutions with lower power consumption and more flexibility in terms of antenna coverage, and ris is one such technology. chairman chih-lin i suggested that the white paper could further discuss the current major challenges of ris. zeng jie from beijing institute of technology introduced the progress in writing the chatgpt and communication white paper. in march this year, the foundation model technology attracted attention from all walks of life. chairman chih-lin i mentioned that computing resources are crucial in the application of large models. the team writing the white paper could gather more computing platform resources to support research and cooperation related to the content. regarding the 6g data plane white paper, yuan yannan from vivo introduced the framework, advancement content and relevant progress in the industry, and stated that the scope of data plane, especially data coverage, needed to be further discussed. in the exchange, the participants suggested looking from the perspective of operators to better summarize and utilize data.

guo xin from lenovo gave an introduction to the white paper on the preliminary study of advanced technologies towards 6g era: quantum information technology and also introduced the content and progress of the participating units. chairman chih-lin i stated that teams from lenovo, china mobile and others have put a lot of effort into the quantum field, and hoped that this field would receive more attention and support. regarding the potential key technologies for 6g security, du haitao, an expert from china mobile, introduced the content of the white paper, and the attendees exchanged views on digital identity authentication. everyone agreed that security is a very important issue in 6g. it involves users, networks, services and various scenarios and forms. it is imperative to improve security capabilities by improving key technologies. an expert from china telecom introduced the content and progress of the network energy saving technology white paper. participants expressed that energy consumption beyond air interface was not considered in 3g and 4g networks ten years ago, and suggested further considering various aspects of network energy saving in the future.

liu haitao from cict mobile introduced the progress of the user-centric 6g access network technology research white paper. chairman chih-lin i proposed that the white paper should pay more attention to issues such as delays, mobility, and system capacity, and that focus should also be given to future intelligent experience. zhang yujie from cict mobile introduced the content and progress of the massive access technology white paper. chairman chih-lin i suggested that attention should be paid to whether relevant technologies could solve the real pain points in some application scenarios. during the introduction of the orthogonal time frequency space (otfs) white paper, ma guoyu from beijing jiaotong university stated that otfs has received widespread attention from both industry and academia, but there are few white papers focused on otfs and transform domain waveforms both domestically and internationally.

centered on the theme of achieving single-domain intelligence, multi-domain collaboration, and an overall closed loop with intent-driven self-intelligent networks, an expert from xidian university introduced the background, current status, and the white paper outline of the research on intent-driven self-intelligent networks. chairman chih-lin i suggested strengthening the content from a scalable perspective. during the introduction of the 6g network architecture design white paper by cheng zhimi, an expert from cict mobile, key technologies such as ai, service orientation, distribution, computing network integration, digital twin, and the opening up of network capabilities were highlighted. cheng also mentioned that while the "planes" in multiple concepts such as the data plane, intelligent plane and computing plane may not exist, the corresponding functions are definitely there.

regarding the edge endogenous intelligence white paper, wang yunfeng from xidian university reported the progress of each section. chairman chih-lin i suggested strengthening the logical and structural aspects of the white paper, and further enhancing the consideration of edge intelligence at the network level. in the exploration and practice of integrated air-ground technology, lei zhenzhu from unisoc introduced domestic and international efforts regarding 5g&6g air-ground integrated technology. this includes the demand and vision for air-ground integration, the current development of air-ground networks at home and abroad, key technologies for 5g ntn air-ground integration, industrial development and practice based on 5g ntn air-ground integration, challenges in air-ground integration engineering practice, as well as foresight into the development of air-ground integration for 6g. chairman chih-lin i proposed that in air-ground integration, the air interface of 6g can be designed adaptively, and attention should also be paid to the application requirements of air-ground integration technology in densely populated scenarios.

in addition, experts from zuojiang technology, a new member of the forum, introduced the application concept of the dpu technology in future communication networks.

during the conference, the participants had a thorough and lively discussion.

the future forum will fully support the work of the 5g/6g sig & security working group and white paper promotion, and comprehensively promote research on 6g vision and use cases, 6g network architecture, new 6g air interface & high-performance wireless transmission technology, 6g coverage expansion & ntn enhancement, 6g network security and reliable architecture, etc.