the third working group meeting of 2014 held in zhengzhou

 research     |       2014/9/21

the third working group meeting of 2014 was held in zhengzhou information hotel from september 11th to 13th of 2014. the meeting, highly supported by ndsc and attended by over 70 experts, has completed the pre-set working tasks.

this meeting was engaged in discussing 5g white paper. based on the first draft, the members discussed the general framework first and then the detailed contents of each chapter. the white paper begins with 5g vision, application scenarios, and key performance indexes, then continues to study relative the next generation wireless air-interface technologies, network and system technologies, as well as verifying and testing technologies through the analysis on the future network visions and research concept. wireless air interface technologies include ee-se joint design, spectrum sharing, flexible spectrum utilization, scalable antenna, high-frequency communication, full duplex, new multi-accesses, new waveform, and advanced modulation coding. wireless network technologies cover c-ran, sdn/nfv, son, ultra-dense network and multi rat. wireless system technologies include m2m, d2d, and network security.   

ndsc organized a technical report on the afternoon of september 12th, inviting academician wu jiangxing, a reputed expert on communication to give a report on mimicry computation and security, mainly introducing mimicry security defense technology and its applications in network. in addition, prof. jin liang and prof. zhang xiaoyi from ndsc respectively gave reports on 5g physical-layer security technology and the next generation key wlan technologies based on vlc, sharing their innovative visions on network security and vlc research.

finally, the advisory group headed by prof. you xiaohu reviewed and discussed the 5g white paper, proposed critical suggestions and advice on the orientation, general design, elaboration of key technologies and key indexes, and literary style of the white paper, laying a sound foundation for the improvement and release of the white paper, and setting a higher criteria for the internationalization of relative technologies. 

future forum, you xiaohu

academician wu jiangxing

ndsc, ji xinsheng

ndsc, jin liang

ndsc, zhang xiaoyi
china mobile, cui chunfeng
china mobile, pan zhengang
ndsc, huang kaizhi