the final working group meeting and contact person meeting of 2013 was held in mudanjiang

 research     |       2014/1/19

the final working group meeting and contact person meeting of 2013 was held in mudanjiang from january 9th to 10th of 2014 and attended by over 30 experts and contact persons from future members.

wg3 discussed the progresses on 802.11ah standard research, and lsa/asa research on 2.3-2.4ghz band. bwa group introduced influence and baseband compensation of unbalanced iq in 60ghz mmw wireless communications. wg6 introduced the latest research on self-organizing network. wg4 discussed the collaborative transmission between femtocell and macrocell, mu-mimo pre-coding in low-dispersing environment, cell-edge fqam, and dynamic tdd.

the working groups also discussed their working plan in 2014. wg3 is going to complete lsa white paper in 2014 and proposed to conduct research related to wrc-15. wg6 proposed to focus on the research on 5g network structure such as sdn and nfv.

ms. fu jun consulted with the experts the suggestions on the orientation and contents of wg research, introduced some plans for international cooperative projects, and discussed how to assist 863 plan to develop imt2020 research. the members shared their opinions on how future forum can give its full play as a platform in 5g research. a basic consensus was reached to build a cross-group 5g group to conduct r&d on 5g requirements and candidate 5g technologies. it is hoped that such research will make the research results of future forum more influential. the thought will be further actualized on the next meeting.

future forum organized a team building activity at snow village. the wg experts and contact persons got relaxed and the cohesion of future forum was highly enhanced. 

wg3,wang wei

wg4,sun chengjun
wg5,guan hao
wg6,fu xiao
future forum,fu jun
snow town