the third working group meeting held in beijing on september 15th

 research     |       2006/9/16

the third working group meeting of future mobile communication forum was held in hongyun hall of xiyuan hotel in beijing on september 15th, 2006.

this meeting was an additional meeting held according to the feedbacks on the second working group meeting. the meeting was divided into parts, respectively on the morning and the afternoon. a plenary meeting was held on the morning on which dr. cui chunfeng from china mobile introduced the ngmn project and the advancement of ngmn scheme. the attendees also focused on the framework of user requirement white papers of future forum put forwarded by the first working group as well as on the low-cost broadband wireless access and some other related subjects. the attendees had a heated discussion on the necessity and feasibility of the establishment of the special interest group focusing on the subject of low-cost broadband wireless access, in which the concept and importance of low-cost were specially stressed.

on the afternoon, three sub-meetings were held simultaneously, on which the attendees mainly focused on the output of the whitepapers and the discussion on the articles left by the previous working group meeting. meanwhile, the wg2 and wg6 had a joint meeting as requested. on the sub-meetings, members from each working group had a more detailed discussion on the contents and frameworks of the whitepapers based on the results of the previous meetings and made a concrete division of the composition work, which was an important advancement for the output of the whitepapers.

on the meeting, the attendees exchanged their opinions on some disputed problems in a cordial atmosphere, which better illustrated the function of future forum as an open and just international platform for technical communications. moreover, the third working group meeting was organized in such a flexible way that the plenary meeting and the joint meeting had achieved better communication between the different working groups. the whole new organizing way, resulting in the promotion of the cross-group and cross-layer research, was actually an attempt for the improvement of the communicative modes between the forum members.

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interval communication

give a hearing to lectures

scene of meeting