the second 5g sig meeting

 research     |       2014/9/21

the second 5g sig meeting of future forum was held in ruxin meeting center of beihang university on june 25th of 2014. the meeting was chaired by dr. chih-lin i, on which the members including huawei, zte, ericsson, nokia, samsung respectively introduced their latest progresses on 5g r&d. the framework of 5g white paper was defined through full discussion. according to the working plan of future forum, the 5g white paper will be issued on the future 5g ict summit which will be held on november 6th and 7th this year, so the members will all participate in the compilation in the coming few months.

in march of 2014, future forum set up the 5g special interest group, focusing on 5g requirements, visions, and relative technologies, cooperating with the other working groups to unanimously analyze the 5g research, effectively integrate the resource from all aspects, and jointly promote the development of 5g technologies.