the 7th council meeting and general assembly of future forum

 assembly     |       2012/5/29

may 15th of 2012, the 7th council meeting and general assembly was held in beijing xiyuan hotel. the meeting was hosted by mr. wu hequan, president of future forum, attended by 33 representatives from 23 council members and 3 members.

prof. you xiaohu, vice president and secretary-general of future forum made a summary report of 2011 and introduced the work plan for 2012. all participants exchanged ideas for the china mobile internet summit that will be held at the end of 2012, and discussed the issues whether to set up mobile internet and iot working groups, recruit mobile internet and iot members, and grading membership fee.

all the representatives affirmed the work of 2011 and put some suggestions on the future, and unanimously approved the work report 2011 and work plan 2012. president wu hequan announced the member list of the new council and awarded the outstanding units and individuals.

the secretariat listened to and will follow the suggestions and advice from the members.

outstanding members & individuals of 2011
outstanding member: catr
best collaborative member: isn (xidian university), hust

outstanding wg chairs
wg3 chair: li hengshuai from srrc
bwa chair: liu yun from catr

outstanding individuals
wang wei from ericsson
guan hao from nsn
fu xiao from alcatel-lucent

prof. you xiaohu giving reports on working summary and plan

outstanding member: catr

best collaborative member: hust

best collaborative member: isn

outstanding wg chairs:wg3 chair: li hengshuai from srrc

outstanding wg chairs:bwa chair: liu yun from catr

outstanding individuals:fu xiao from alcatel-lucent

outstanding individuals

outstanding individuals:guan hao from nsn